Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Being Christian through the Politics

I just have to say that I am VERY disappointed in many of my Christian friends in regards to their response to the election!

In EVERYTHING you do, you are representing Christ. In every slanderous statement you make about the president, in every hateful, emotional word you use to criticize the ones you disagree with, you are representing Christ. You should be ashamed of yourself! Are the words you are saying and the statements you are making on Facebook and Twitter representing who God really is and what God would really want?

In just a few moments of looking on social media, I have seen my Christian friends say some horribly mean, hateful things about President Obama and our future government.
Do you really think President Obama is as bad as Hitler and Stalin who are responsible for killing MILLIONS of innocent people?

Maybe calling President Obama supporters morons is not the best thing to do. They are the majority, as we found out last night, and how is that Christ-like?

Do you really think our country will be "dead" within the next four year? And what exactly does that mean? Do you really think that the President has that much power. You are putting A LOT of trust in the president to screw the country up. Maybe shift that trust to God who is ACTUALLY in control.

Are you really going to pick up your whole family and move to another country? Is it really that bad here? Are you going to let one man effect you that much?

To those who think America is becoming a communist nation, I understand your frustration with the welfare system, but isn't communism a little extreme?

Isn't our goal as Christians to love like God loves and bring others to Christ? How are your hateful statements representing God? They aren't. There is too much hate in this world already, for us, as Christians to join in! God calls us NOT to be conformed to this world. So while everyone is bashing each other with hateful words let us stand up against that in LOVE.

So maybe your candidate didn't win, I'm sorry. Maybe you think our country is in trouble. Ok, actually DO something about it. PRAY for your country, PRAY for President Obama, PRAY for our senators and representatives. Get involved in your local government! Write your representatives and senators about your ideas and concerns. Oh, and here is an idea! TRUST in God. Trust that he is still in control, KNOW that he is still in control!

I'm sorry you are upset, but STOP the name-calling, hateful words, and people bashing. There is no good that comes out of those statements except hurt feelings and broken relationships.

Like it or not, Barack Obama will be president for the next four years. As a Christian, how will you respond?

A Christian Conservative Disgusted with my fellow Christians,
Katie <><

Here is a quote from John Wesley (the founder of the United Methodist Church) in regards to voting:

1. To vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy: 2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against: And 3. To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those who voted on the other side