"You are fearfully and wonderfully made"
In a certain faith tradition when a couple has a new baby the mother speaks a special prayer into the baby's ear the first moment it is born. This is done so that the prayer is the first thing the baby hears after he or she is born. I was so touched by this tradition that I decided to use it. I spent many nights praying and thinking about the perfect prayer to whisper in my son's ear when he was born. I wanted it to be specific to him and special to the both of us.
The prayer that God gave to me was perfect and it stemmed from a thought that I had throughout my entire pregnancy. How can anyone who has had a child deny the existence of God. It seemed like in every step of my pregnancy I was in awe of God's wonder and majesty and power because of this little miracle growing inside of me.
I can tell you one thing...I grew more in my faith and grew closer to God in those nine months before Ian was born (and the three months since) than I have in the past five years. It was like God was letting me take part in a tiny part of his creation. And that tiny role that I had was so huge...it changed my life forever.
If this tiny part of creation that I was able to be a part of radically changed my life so much, can you imagine how HUGE the power of God is? I can't! I can barely fathom the creation and birth of my son...an entire universe is too crazy big to image! How amazing is that?!
So I pray that you get to touch and understand a tiny piece of God's creation. I also pray you understand how tiny that piece is and as a result gain understanding about how GREAT the power of God really is. How AMAZING!
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